The modern department of gynecology is a collection of medical treatment, teaching, scientific research and prevention care,it consists of three professional groups:gynecologic oncology, gynecologic pelvic floor urology and family planning, the department covers an area of 1478 square meters, and currently has 77 registered beds, with a reasonable structure, the high quality medical professional technical team, and powerful technical strength.
科室现有医护人员50人,其中四川省卫生计生委学术技术带头人1人,四川省卫健委临床技能名师1名,主任医师 5人,副主任医师5人,副主任护师2人,主治医师8 人,主管护师9人。其中多人先后赴美国、德国、佛特角等境外进修学习、支援。
Currently there are 50 medical staff in the department, including 1 academic and technical leader of Sichuan Province Health and Family Planning Commission, 1 clinical expert of Sichuan Province Health Commission, 5 chief physicians, 5 associate chief physicians, 2 deputy chief nurses, 8 attending physicians and 9 superintendent nurses.Many of them have undergone further study or provided support in the United States, Germany, Cape Verde and other overseas countries.
The department is characterized by standardization, refinement, minimally invasive surgery and individualization. At present the gynecological ward mainly carries out the diagnosis and treatment of common gynecologic diseases, multiple diseases, difficult and critical diseases, malignant tumors, gynecologic pelvic floor urinary diseases and family planning complications. The clinical application and research of endoscope and minimally invasive surgery have been carried out extensively and deeply. Original surgeries developed by the department are transvaginal mid-urethral linear suspension and improvement of laparoscopic uterine suspension, the department takes initiative to carry out laparoscopic surgery to treat broad ligament myoma of uterus,laparoscopic and hysteroscopic treatment of the uterine scar pregnancy, laparoscopic or vaginal hysterectomy, laparoscopic uterine wide excision, pelvic lymph node cleaning, peritoneal vaginoplasty, urinary incontinence, uterine prolapse, pelvic floor reconstruction surgery, etc. At the same time, it also carries out the diagnosis and treatment of difficult diseases of family planning, such as tubal ligation and recanalization, high-risk pregnancy abortion, intrauterine device incarceration, uterine malformation with pregnancy, severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. The average number of inpatients is more than 5000, and the average number of surgeries is more than 4500.
Outpatient service of department of gynecology now has advanced equipment such as high intensity ultrasonic focusing (HIFU), urodynamic instrument, especially in 2019,the new instrument,high intensity ultrasonic focusing (HIFU) therapy is a new kind of noninvasive tumor treatment, the effective is not less than traditional surgery, security is significantly superior to the traditional surgery, trauma is small, effectively improve the patients quality of life, shorten hospitalization time, save medical cost, etc. There are superior advantage in treatment of uterine fibroids, adenomyoma, incision pregnancy. The number of outpatient visits exceeds 150,000, and the number of outpatient surgeries exceeds 10,000 annually. All the business data maintain a steady growth trend.
At present, the department is selected as Sichuan-based training base for cervical cancer screening of Chinese Preventive Medical Association, the gynecologic laparoscopy training base of nationwide country-level hospitals of Chinese Preventive Medical Association,the national-level standardization training base for obstetrics and gynecology residents, Sichuan standardization training base for obstetrics and gynecology nurses, and Sichuan provincial key medical discipline, in addition,the department has two patients:uterine cavity forceps and abdominal puncture reads leader.