1. 头面部疼痛:三叉神经痛、枕神经痛、颞颌关节痛、偏头痛、面肌痉挛
2. 颈、肩、上肢痛:颈椎痛、肩周炎、后颈部肌筋膜综合症、落枕、、肩颈综合症、肱骨内、外上髁炎、腕管综合症、滑囊炎、腱鞘炎
3. 胸背部痛:肋间神经痛、胸背肌筋膜综合症、胸椎小关节紊乱综合症
4. 腰骶、下肢痛:急性腰扭伤、坐骨神经痛、腰椎间盘突出症、腰椎小关节紊乱综合症、第三腰椎横突综合症、腰肌劳损、非特异性腰痛、梨状肌综合症、尾痛症、跖痛症、跟痛症
5. 慢性关节痛:膝关节软组织损伤、骨性关节痛、痛风性关节炎、强直性脊柱炎
6. 植物神经反射性疼痛:幻肢痛、断肢痛
7. 带状疱疹后遗神经痛
8. 癌性疼痛治疗:主要为晚期癌性疼痛
9 . 失眠多梦
10. 其他疼痛:骨质疏松症、压缩性骨折
药物治疗 常用于疼痛治疗的药物主要有以下几类:
联系方式电话:麻醉科办公室 020-38688200
(2) 心血管手术的麻醉
(3) 围术期器官保护
(4) 慢性疼痛治疗
(5) 围术期的脑保护
Introduction of department of Anesthesiology
The Department of Anesthesiology of The First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University (GuangzhouOverseasHospital) is a highly integrated, collaborative group of trained and skilled anesthesiologists. The department comprises more than 40 staff doctors, 10nurse anesthetists, who are committed to providing the best possible care to patients requiring anesthesia , intensive care and pain management. Members of the department also conduct basic and clinical research and teach graduate . The mission of the Department of Anesthesia is to achieve excellence and innovation in the areas of clinical care, teaching and research.
Clinical Anesthesiology
The anesthesiology staff provides clinical anesthesia service for the full range of surgical procedures. Our clinical divisions consist of: General Surgery anesthesia, Urology anesthesia, Thoracic anesthesia, Cardiovascular anesthesia, Transplantation anesthesia, Orthopedics anesthesia, Obstetrics anesthesia, Pediatrics anesthesia, Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery anesthesia and pain management . We have acquired state-of-the art anesthesia and monitoring equipment.. we administered anesthetics to more than 20000 patients yearly, and the rate of mobidity and complication in anesthesia is very low. In addition, the Department of Anesthesia provides post-operative pain control and pain management for women during induced abortion, birth and the post partum period and endoscopic services.
Pain Management Clinic
Yet the role of anesthesiologists in the department is not limited to the operating rooms. They direct the Pain Management Clinic which was established on Jun 1999. From then on, thousands individuals who suffer from acute and chronic disabling pain. have been treated and social effects as well as economic effects are achieved. TheMissionat The Pain Management Clinic is to enhance patients" quality of life through a decrease in pain and an improvement in the ability to enjoy daily activities. The uniqueness and strength of the Pain Management Clinic lies in its ability and experience in utilizing the multidisciplinary approach effectively to benefit the patient. For example, we can relieve the pain and recover shoulder function of 80 percent sever frozen shoulder patients in about 15 days.by safe rapid combined therapy. We treat each patient individually, using the latest equipment and various innovative procedures to diagnose pain and determine patient’s care needs. This approach allows us to offer patients the full spectrum of treatment options. Whatever the source of your acute and chronic pain, you can benefit from visiting the Pain Management clinic.
Main Types of Pain Treated
Headache and facial pain :Trigeminal neuralgia.
Pain in the neck, shoulder and upper extremities including herniated discs, frozen shoulder and fibrositis.
Chronic pain in the chest.
Pain in the low back, hips and lower extremities including sciatica muscle.
Chronic pain in joint.
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy post-herpetic neuralgia.
Cancer Pain.
Sleep disorder.
Pain associated with osteoporosis and vertebral compression fractures
Main techniques to manage pain. include:
Nerve Blocks and other injections therapies
Nerve blocks are used to achieve pain suppression .A nerve block is an injection of local anesthetic into a region of the spinal column. This serves to block a nerve impulse to provide pain relief. The most common one is epidural steroid injections. These blocks include Epidural block, Selective nerve root block, Facet block, Sacroiliac joint block, Stellate ganglion block, Lumbar sympathetic block, Peripheral nerve blocks,, Trigger point injection, Subcutaneous infiltration, Intravenous regional sympathetic block.
Radiofrequency Lesioning therapy
Radiofrequency lesioning is a simple, non-surgical procedure. It is performed like a nerve block. However, because it utilizes coagulation techniques when blocking the nerves, the effects typically last up to one year. Radiofrequency lesioning is usually done once the patient has had a good response from a facet nerve block.
Patient-Controlled Analgesia (PCA) therapy
This approach allows patients to trigger the release of physician-prescribed dosages of intravenous medication. Dosages are adjusted as medication requirements change during the postoperative period.
Medical management
Medical management used to treat pain fall into several major categories:
Opiate "pain killers" are often used to treat acute pain or cancer-related pain, and sometimes prescribed for chronic pain.
Anti-inflammatory drugs may be helpful in alleviating pain by reducing swelling and irritation.
Anti-depressants may be helpful in reducing certain types of pain. They may also be used to help patients sleep at night.
Membrane stabilizers are helpful for some patients in whom pain is caused by abnormal electrical discharges in damaged nerves
Other Therapies
Super Lizer therapy.
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) .
Measuring your progress .
Contact Information
Department of Anesthesiology 020-38688200
Pain Management Clinic 020-38688111
Postal service coding:510630
Address:613 Huangbu Dadao Xi ,Guangzhou City, P. R. China
If you would like further information, please do not hesitate to call the Department of Anesthesiology020-38688200 and Pain Management Clinic at 020-38688111.