沈中阳教授创建器官移植学科——器官移植中心亚洲大规模器官移植中心之一Organ Transplant Surgery initiated by Professor Shen ZhongyangOrgan Transplant Center one of the large Organ Transplant Center in Asia
天津市第一中心医院器官移植中心成立于1998年,在国家863计划器官移植领域专家沈中阳教授的带领下成为我国获卫生部批准可以同时开展肝脏、肾脏、心脏、胰腺、小肠、肺脏、眼角膜以及胰岛细胞移植的中心,设有肝移植科、肾移植科、心脏移植科、小儿肝移植科、肝胆外科、细胞移植科、移植监护室、血透中心、移植实验室等学科,是目前亚洲大规模器官移植中心之一,也是被Clinical Transplants收录的中国大陆器官移植中心。移植手术数量与质量在全国连续多年保持领先,完成肝移植手术近万例,约占国内总例数的三分之一,肝移植术后生存率达先进水平。
The Organ Transplant Center of Tianjin First Central Hospital was established in 1998. Under the leader-ship of Professor Shen Zhongyang, the expert in organ transplant field of "National 863 Program", it has been authorized. by the Ministry of Health, PRC(MOH) as the Organ Transplant center in China which can perform transplantations of liver, kidney, heart, pancreas, small intestine, lung, cornea and cells and now a multidisciplinary resources structure of liver transpl-antation Dept., renal transplantation Dept., heart transplantation Dept., pediatric liver transplantation Dept., hepatobiliary surgery Dept., cells transplantation Dept., Transplant ICU, hemodialysis center and transplant laboratory etc. So far Organ Transplant Center has successfully performed nearly ten thousand cases of liver transplantations and kept the leading level in surgery numbers, survival rate and post-surgery life qualities in China. It has been one of the large Organ Transplant Center in Asia and also the China mainland transplant center which was recorded by "Clinical Transplants".
1994年完成我国第一例长期存活的肝移植手术,保持国内肝移植患者长期生存纪录达11年之久。研究创立了乙肝病毒相关性肝病肝移植后乙肝再感染的综合防治体系(目前全国使用的标准方案),使移植后乙肝再感染率从80%以上下降到5%以下,肝移植患者的平均生存期从2-3年延至长期生存,突破我国肝脏移植瓶颈。与此同时,协助全国22个省市80家医疗单位成功开展首例肝移植,为推动我国肝脏移植技术在临床常规开展做出了开拓性贡献。 2014年沈中阳教授获"全国十佳科技工作者",其带领的团队获"全国杰出专业技术人才先进集体奖"。
The first liver transplant of OOTC was performed in 1994 and kept a record of domestic long-term survival after liver transplantation for 11 years. The center takes a lead in many aspects of organ transplant field in mainland China. Meanwhile, the studies at OOTC created a comprehensive system for preventing HBV re-infection after liver transplantation which was the treatment for HBV-associated liver disease(currently national guideline). This system reduces the rate of HBV re-infection after liver transplantation from over 80% to below 5% , thus the survival time of hepatitis B patients after liver transplantation has been considerably extended from2-3years to long-term surviving and their life quality has been greatly improved.In addition, the center has successively helped 80 medical units in 22 districts in China with liver transplantations. It made great contributions to the popularization and the development of liver transplantation in China. In 2014 Prof. Shen Zhongyang won the "National Top Ten Science and Technology Workers" and OOTC won the "National Outstanding Professional and Technical Personnel Advanced Collective Award".