Research Focus:
Research in the Uterine Vascular Biology Laboratory focuses on 4 main themes。
1、 Regulators of trophoblast invasion
Invasion of the maternal decidua and inner third of myometrium by extravillous trophoblast cells and the subsequent remodeling of the uterine spiral arteries is one of the key events in early pregnancy; failures in these processes being associated with major complications of pregnancy。 Our research aims to identify some of the key regulatory mechanisms in these processes with the ultimate aim to develop early interventions for prevention of these pregnancy complications。
2、 Regulators of VSMC (de)differentiation
Vascular smooth muscle cells can switch from a synthetic to contractile phenotype and vice versa depending on the microenvironment。 The switch from contractive to synthetic is a key feature of spiral artery remodeling and we have identified Ang2 and vitamin D as one of the key mediators of this process。 Our research aims to understand the molecular basis of this phenotypic switching and how it can be utilized therapeutically。
3、Regulators of endometrium maturation in health and disease (recurrent miscarriage, heavy menstrual bleeding, endometriosis)
Aberrant endometrial maturation is a feature of recurrent miscarriage (advanced) and heavy menstrual bleeding (halted) associated with TGF-β1 signalling。 Current research is focused on understanding the complete molecular basis of this to develop therapeutics for these important gynecology conditions。
4、 Regulators of tumor angiogenesis, metastasis and progression (breast, endometrial and ovarian)
Poor prognosis for many types of tumors is associated with tumor angiogenesis and cancer cell metastasis。 Many of the same pathways being investigated in the tightly regulated process of trophoblast invasion/spiral artery remodeling are also relevant to tumor angiogenesis and metastasis where they occur in an uncontrolled manner。 Therefore we can learn about both systems by drawing parallels between them。
Research Personnel:
• Senior scientist
o Dr Qi Yifei
o Dr Zhao Mingguang
o Dr Ning Fen
o Dr Chen Miaojuan
• Post-doctoral fellows
o Dr Lu Qinsheng
o Dr Wang Qiong (secondary tutor with Dr Shi Kun)
o Dr Duan Yaoyuan
• Technicians
o Miss Wu Peihuang
o Miss Dan Wei
o Mr Sun Dingqian
• Masters students
o Miss Hou Huomei
o Miss Zhang Min
o Miss Pan Yue
• Past post-doctoral trainees
o Dr Zhang Joy Yue
International collaborations:
Professors Mark Kilby and Martin Hewison (University of Birmingham, UK) – Vitamin D and early pregnancy
Dr Annette Meeson (Newcastle University, UK) – Cancer stem cells and angiogenesis
Professor Jan Ernerudh (University of Linkoping, Sweden) – Regulation of immune cells in early pregnancy
Research Grants Awarded:
2018-2022 Angiopoietin-2 induces vascular smooth muscle cell dedifferentiation after binding to integrin subunits。 NSFC Project Grant 580,000RMB。 Lash GE (PI)
2017-2020 Is endometrial growth and maturation dependent on TGF-β1? NSFC Project Grant 570,000RMB。 Lash GE (PI)
2017-2020 The role of vitamin D deficiency in the aetiology of low birth weight pregnancies。 Guangzhou Municipal Grant (collaboration with University of Birmingham) 2,000,000RMB。 Lash GE (PI), Qiu X, Kilby MD, Hewison M
国家自然科学基金青年年项目,C080904,Noda1疫茴刈恶性黑色素瘤的防治作用及机制研究,2017/1-2019/12, 20万元,在研,参加
Research Awards and Fellowships:
2016 Guangzhou Medical Key Talent
2016 Visiting Scholar, College of Veterinary Medicine, Michigan State University, Michigan, USA
Selected recent publications:
Bulmer JN, Lash GE (2019) Uterine natural killer cells: Time for a re-appraisal? F1000Res8。 Pii: F1000 Faculty Rev-999。
Ning F, Hou H, Morse AN, Lash GE。 (2019) Understanding and management of gestational trophoblastic disease。 F1000Res。 8。 pii: F1000 Faculty Rev-428。
Wang J, Zhang JY, Wei R, Hu S, Lin T, Lash GE, Tan M (2019) Serum 25 hydroxyvitamin D status, vitamin D supplementation and feeding patterns in 6-month-old infants in Guangzhou, China: a paired longitudinal follow up study。 Maternal and Child Nutrition Accepted (IF: 3.233)
Otun HA, Innes BA, Lash GE, Schiessl B, Ball E, Searle RF, Robson SC, Bulmer JN (2019) Quantification of spiral artery remodelling in human placental bed using an Adobe Photoshop based image analysis technique。 Reproduction In press (IF: 3.450)
Lu Q, Huang Y, Wu J, Guan Y, Du M, Wang F, Liu Z, Zhu Y, Gong G, Hou H, Zhang M, Zhang JY, Ning F, Zhou Q, Chen L, Wang L, Lash GE (2019) T-cadherin inhibited invasion and migration of endometrial stromal cells in endometriosis。 Human Reproduction In press (IF: 5.505)
Manning R, James CP, Smith MC, Innes BA, Stamp E, Peebles D, Baja-Elliott M, Klein N, Bulmer JN, Robson SC, Lash GE (2019) Predictive value of cervical cytokine, antimicrobial and microflora levels for pre-term birth in high-risk women。 Scientific Reports 9:11246。 (IF: 4.122)
Li L, Qiu X, Lash GE, Yuan L, Liang Z, Liu L。 (2019) Effect of hormone replacement therapy on bone mineral density and body composition in Chinese adolescent and young adult Turner syndrome patients。 Frontiers in Endocrinology 10:377 (IF: 3.519)
Robson A, Lash GE, Innes BA, Robson SC, Bulmer JN (2019) Uterine natural killer cells mediate dedifferentiation of spiral artery vascular smooth muscle cells in early human pregnancy。 Human Reproduction 34:1428-1438 (IF: 5.505)
Zhang JY, Wang J, Hu S, Chen D, Lu Q, Wei R, Tan M, Lash GE (2019) Cord serum vitamin D levels in a South China birth cohort。 Asian Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 28:544-549。 (IF: 1.335)
Oldershaw R, Owens A, Sutherland R, Linney M, Liddle R, Magana L, Lash GE, Gill JH, Richardson G, Meeson A (2019) Human cardiac mesenchymal stem cell like cells, a novel cell population with therapeutic potential。 Stem Cells and Development 28:593-607。 (IF: 3.315)
Li L, Li Q, Wang Q, Liu L, Li R, Liu H, He Y, Lash GE (2019) Rare copy number variants in the genome of Chinese female children and adolescents with Turner syndrome。 Bioscience Reports 39: pii: BSR20181305。 (IF: 2.899)
Jiang M, Lash GE, Zhao X, Long Y, Guo C, Yang H (2018) CircRNA-0004904, CircRNA-0001855, and PAPP-A: Potential novel biomarkers for the prediction of preeclampsia。 Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 46:2576-2586。 (IF: 5.5)
Shi K, Wang Q, Su Y, Xuan X, Liu Y, Chen W, Qian Y, Lash GE (2018) Identification and functional analyses of differentially expressed metabolites in early stage endometrial carcinoma。 Cancer Science 109:1032-1043。 (IF: 4.372)
Biswas Shivhare S, Bulmer JN, Innes BA, Hapangama DK, Lash GE (2018) Endometrial vascular development in menorrhagia: altered spatio-temporal pattern of expression of endothelial cell markers and extracellular matrix components。 Human Reproduction 33:399-410。 (IF: 5.505)
Lindau R, Mehta RB, Lash GE, Papapavlou G, Boij R, Berg G, Jenmalm MC, Ernerudh J, Svensson-Arvelund J (2018) Interleukin-34 is present at thefetal–maternal interface and induces immunoregulatory macrophages of a decidual phenotype in vitro。 Human Reproduction 33:588-599。 (IF: 5.505)
Wang Q, Lash GE (2017) Angiopoietin 2 in placentation and tumor biology: the yin and yang of vascular biology。 Placenta。 56:73-78。 (IF: 2.434)
Liu ZC, Ning F, Wang HF, Chen DY, Cai YN, Sheng HY, Lash GE, Liu L, Du J。 (2017) Epidermal growth factor and tumor necrosis factor α cooperatively promote the motility of hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines via synergistic induction of fibronectin by NF-κB/p65。 Biochim Biophys Acta。 1861:2568-2582。 (IF: 3.679)
Ning F, Liu H, Lash GE (2016) The role of decidual macrophages during normal and pathological pregnancy。 Am J Reprod Immunol。 75:298-309。 (IF: 2.745)
Laird SM, Lash GE, Li TC, Bulmer JN (2016) The role of natural killer cells in human fertility。 Scientific Impact Paper No。 53。 Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecology。 https://www.rcog.org.uk/en/guidelines-research-services/guidelines/the-role-of-natural-killer-cells-in-human-fertility-scientific-impact-paper-no。-53/
Shi K, Liu L, He YJ, Y LX, Lash GE, Li L (2016) Body composition and bone mineral status in patients with Turner syndrome。 Scientific Reports 6:38026。 (IF: 4.122)
Lash GE, Bulmer JN, Li TC, Innes BA, Mariee N, Patel G, Sanderson J, Quenby S, Laird SM (2016) Standardisation of uterine natural killer (uNK) cell measurements in the endometrium of women with recurrent reproductive failure。 J Reprod Immunol 116:50-59。 (IF: 2.232)
Lash GE, Pitman H, Morgan HL, Innes BA, Agwu CN, Bulmer JN (2016) Macrophages: key regulators of vascular remodelling in human pregnancy。 J Leukoc Biol 100:315-325。 (IF: 4.224)
Biswas Shivhare S, Bulmer JN, Innes BA, Hapangama DK, Lash GE (2015) Menstrual cycle distribution of uterine natural killer cells is altered in menorrhagia。 J Reprod Immunol 112:88-94。 (IF: 2.232)
Lantang AM, Innes BA, Gan EH, Pearce SH, Lash GE (2015) Expression of melanocortin receptors in human endometrium。 Hum Reprod 30:2404-10。 (IF: 5.505)
Svensson-Arvelund J, Mehta RB, Lindau R, Mirrasekhian E, Rodriguez-Martinez H, Berg G, Lash GE, Jenmalm MC, Ernerudh J (2015) The Human Fetal Placenta Promotes Tolerance against the Semiallogeneic Fetus by Inducing Regulatory T Cells and Homeostatic M2 Macrophages。 J Immunol 194:1534-44。 (IF: 4.539)