

  邓伟豪(Tang Wai Ho),香港大学醫學院哲學博士,美国耶鲁大学任博士后及副研究员,现任广州市妇女儿童医疗中心儿科研究所副所长及研究员。主要从事心血管疾病的發病机制及維持血管穏態的机制研究,以通訊作者或第一作者發表在Circulation (IF:18.881)、J Clin Invest(IF:13.251)、EMBO Mol Med(IF:10.293)等國際頂級心血管醫學期刊。2015年底回国建設心血管疾病實驗室,課題組已获得多項国家級及省級自然科学基金,並获得广东省杰青、特支计划青年拔尖人才、广州市高層次卫生重点人才等人才認定項目。來院後,課題組近三年已發表SCI收录论著5篇,其中2019年2月在J Clin Invest 杂志发表了《Platelet-derived miR-223 promotes a phenotypic switch in arterial injury repair》,为我院儿科研究所成立以来首次作为第一完成单位发表IF高於10的SCI論著,该研究发现,血小板能够负载miRNA介导细胞间信息传递,從而参与糖尿病心血管疾病的形成,並提出血小板可作为特异靶向性药物载体用于治疗糖尿病相关血管疾病的全新概念。

  Tang Wai Ho is currently the associate director of Institute of Pediatrics at Guangzhou Women and Children’s Medical Centre。 He obtained his PhD from the faculty of medicine at the University of Hong Kong, and pursed his Postdoctoral training at Yale University。 His research focuses on the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease and the molecular mechanism underlying vascular remodelling, and his studies have been published in the internationally recognised SCI journals, including Circulation (IF: 18.881), J Clin Invest (IF: 13.251) and EMBO Mol Med (IF: 10.293)。 After returning to China in 2015, Prof Tang’s lab has been extensively funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Guangdong Province, and he also received the recognition from Guangdong Distinguished Young Scholar, Guangdong High-level Talent Program, and Guangzhou High-level Talent Program etc。 Since 2016, Prof Tang’s lab has published five SCI research articles in our institute, and among which, the most representative work《Platelet-derived miR-223 promotes a phenotypic switch in arterial injury repair》 published in J Clin Invest in 2019 is the first SCI research article IF>10 published by our institute。 The study demonstrates that platelets deliver miRNAs to vascular smooth muscle cells, and participate in the pathogenesis of diabetic vascular disease by regulating the phenotypic transition of vascular smooth muscle cells。 This novel cell-cell communication suggests that platelets are potentially developed for the specific targeted drug carriers in the treatment of diabetes-related vascular diseases。
