


  北京大学第三医院眼科于1958 年由著名眼科专家、眼病理学家李凤鸣教授创立,在北医三院眼科基础之上,北京大学眼科中心于2001 年成立。眼科楼建筑面积10,000m²,集临床、教学和科研于一体,现为国家重点学科、北京市重点实验室、国家临床药理试验机构、北京市住院医师规范化培训基地、北京大学医学部专科医师规范化培训基地等。眼科中心由时任美国约翰霍普金斯大学医学院教授、国际知名的眼病理学家曹安民教授担任首届主任,他注重人才培养和梯队建设,按照国际眼科学惯例,相对应设立亚专科并从全国招聘一流眼科专家担任亚专科主任,在自主创新的平台上组成眼科中心飞速发展的骨干力量。


  北医三院眼科在2022年发布的中国眼科专科声誉排行榜排名第十二位。现有病床78 张,诊室39间,眼科手术室17 间。年门诊量逾30 万人次、日门诊量1500人次,年手术量3 万余例、出院病人数1.8 万人次。 拥有专业医师63人,90% 以上具有博士学位。对疑难性眼底病的外科治疗获业界认可,创新性开展针对外伤所致脉络膜撕脱的手术治疗。自主研发新型手术方法“自体Bruch膜带视网膜色素上皮(RPE)细胞移植”治疗老年黄斑变性(AMD),为国际首例,获得国际认可。角膜内皮移植手术技术及手术数量都位居国内首位,2022年于亚太地区首次开展“人工内皮移植术”治疗角膜内皮失代偿,有望成为患者供体匮乏的有效方法。2023年国内首次注射人角膜内皮细胞治疗大泡性角膜病变取得圆满成功。国内率先开展青光眼患者的视神经康复训练项目。眼眶病疑难重症诊治居国内领先地位。国内率先进行一日住院及日间手术模式探索,取得成功经验并推广。


  北医三院眼科致力于打造特色医疗平台。 是北京市仅有的两家获批资质的眼库之一。特检平台、临检平台、病理平台、遗传诊治平台、患者资源中心等创新平台为眼科中心发展特色医疗、精准医疗保驾护航。


  北医三院眼科现有博士生导师10 人、硕士生导师18 人。自2001年至今培养博士后12 名、博士生、硕士生200 余名;培训进修医生300 余名。


  北医三院眼科在2022年发布的中国眼科科技影响力排名第八。下属的研究所设有相当规模的实验室,包括分子遗传学、分子生物学实验室等,具备本专业研究所需的主要仪器设备和技术条件。近五年获国家级、省部级科研项目30 项,总金额达1250 余万元;发表SCI论文200余篇,获授权的专利70项,其中成功转化7项。


  北医三院眼科践行为民,防盲扶贫。五上健康快车,在广西、青海、甘肃、山西、四川、湖南、辽宁、湖南、新疆、云南、河南等省、自治区都留下了眼科医务人员的足迹,并在西藏以及陕西、山西、宁夏等老少边穷地区进行精准扶贫援助。 防盲治盲的脚步更远及亚洲、非洲等海外地区。







  Peking University Eye Center, located in Peking University Third Hospital Eye Center Building, was first built in October, 2001 on the basis of Ophthalmology Department of Peking University Third Hospital which established in 1958. With a total construction area of 10,000m2, Peking University Eye Center is one of the National Key Disciplines which integrates ophthalmology clinic, education and science research. Professor Mark Tso from Johns Hopkins University was the first director of Eye Center.

  Peking University Eye Center has 9 branches:virectomy retina, cataract, ocular trauma & intraocular lens, corneal diseases, glaucoma, optometry, pediatric ophthalmology, medical retinal diseases and oculoplastic surgery. We have absorbed a large group of renowned Chinese ophthalmologists to join us.

  Peking University Eye Center has80 beds with over 1000 daily outpatients’ visits and a year operation quantity of 20,000. The ratio of patients from other cities of the nation increased from 14% in 2001 to 50% in 2015, which marks the increasing nationwide influence of Peking University Eye Center’s. 6 doctoral supervisors and 9 master’s supervisors have trained 3 post doctors, 80 doctors, 63 masters and over 300 advanced study doctors.

  Peking University Eye Center establishedOffice of Prevention & Treatment of Blindness, National Clinical Pharmacology Laboratory, Peking University Diabetic Eye Disease Center, National Eye Injury Vitrectomy Database, and operated an average amount of 3000 cataract surgeries for Health Express Program. We have built good reputation at the diagnosis of difficult cases in terms of etiology, pathology and genetics.

  Peking University Eye Center attaches great importance to scientific researches. Since 2001, over 100 SCI articles are published. On-going research projects include National Natural Science Fund, Chinese Science and Technology Ministry “973” project, Chinese Education Ministry “211” project, Beijing Natural Science Fund, Chinese Education Ministry Doctoral Program, etc.

  Equipped with world advanced ophthalmic facilities and machines, Peking University Eye Center is one of the Top Ten Ophthalmology Departments in China.
