北京大学第三医院病理科是国家临床重点专科,是全国大型的疑难病例病理诊断中心之一。病理科依托于历史悠久的北京大学医学部病理系,在几代病理学工作者的辛勤耕耘和努力开拓下,发展成为教学、科研、临床相结合的优势学科。经多年医疗实践积淀,科室不断开拓创新以适应日益增长的专科化医疗服务需求。目前形成了包括泌尿病理、血液病理、神经病理、消化病理、呼吸病理、妇科病理、乳腺病理、皮科病理、内分泌病理、软组织与骨关节病理、细胞学、解剖病理和分子病理等涵盖人体多个系统的十三个病理亚专科。病理科于2004 年,就成为第一批国家级继续教育基地;2006 年,首批入选北京市住院医师规范化培训临床病理专科基地;2010 年底,首批入选“国家临床重点病理专科建设项目”。
目前,我科室已发展为年组织学样本量 9 万例、细胞学 6.5 万例、尸体解剖 50例、电镜 6000 例、会诊 7000 例、分子病理检测 6000 例、集临床、教学和科研为一体、从大体、光镜、电镜观察到免疫组化、遗传学检测的系统化、标准化、数字化和信息化集成,临床病理工作水平位于全国领先的综合学科。
The Department of Pathology of Peking University Third Hospital (Dpt. Path.) is a national key clinical specialty and is one of the large-scale pathological consultation center in China. The Dpt. Path. relies on the Department of Pathology of Peking University Health Science Center. Through the hard working of several generations of pathologists, it has developed into a superior discipline with a combination of teaching, scientific research and clinical service, After years of accumulation of medical practice, the Dpt. Path. continue to innovate to meet the growing demand for specialized medical services. At present, it has formed a series of subspecialties consisting of urological pathology, hematopoietic pathology, neuropathology, gastrointestinal pathology, lung pathology, gynecological pathology, breast pathology, dermatology pathology, endocrine pathology, soft tissue-bone-joint pathology, cytology, anatomical pathology and molecular pathology. The Dpt. Path. became one of the first approved bases for national continuing education in 2004; in 2006, it was pioneered to be the standardized training base for clinical pathology residency in 2010, it was granted as one of the "National Key Clinical Pathology Specialty Construction Project".
The Dpt. Path. has a team of professional pathologists with reasonable echelon construction,, and producing a group of well-known domestic experts. The Dpt. Path. also has a professional medical technologists team, covering conventional pathology platform, immunohistochemistry platform, special staining platform, ultrastructuralpathology platform, fine needle aspiration cytology platform and molecular pathology platform, etc., which strongly supports clinical pathological diagnosis, teaching and scientific research. The Molecular Pathology Laboratory affiliated the Dpt. Path. is the first batch of clinical gene amplification testing laboratories certified by the National Center of Ministry of Health for Clinical Laboratories. Meanwhile, this lab is also a demonstration laboratory of the National Pathology Quality Control Center (PQCC) and a key laboratory in Beijing.
At present, the Dpt. Path. has an annual histological samples of 90,000 cases, cytology 65,000 cases, autopsy 50 cases, electron microscopy 6,000 cases, consultation 7000 cases and molecular pathology examination 6000 cases. Integrating clinical, teaching and scientific research, the Dpt. Path. is a nationally leading comprehensive department for clinical pathology, from general, light microscope and electron microscope observations to the systematic, standardized, digital and information integration of immunohistochemistry and genetic testing.