


  The department of Traditional Chinese Medicine is one of the focus clinical departments in Beijing Anzhen Hospital, which is composed of the medical group, acupuncture group, physiotherapy group and the famous doctor’s heritage research office. Now there are 15 doctors and nurses, including five of senior, seven of intermediate, one of junior titles and two of nurses. And one in fifteen is medical doctor. It is in charge of Chinese medical tasks of outpatients and consultations of difficult cases of inpatients, also the teaching of clinical department of Capital Medical University.


  Because of the diverse diseases, the department makes effort to build a configuration of Chinese and western medicine combined to treat the common diseases, especially in cardiovascular diseases and pulmonary diseases. No holiday clinic is the main part and comprehensive and coordinated development of clinical, teaching and study is also the distinguish feature. The staff will to take high quality and efficient medical services to our patients.


  中医组:诊病范围涉及心脑血管、呼吸、内、外、妇、儿等多系统疾病。中西医结合个体化辨证治疗心脑血管供血不足、动脉硬化、心律失常、冠心病心绞痛、冠脉支架术后心绞痛复发、心脏系统神经官能症等常见心脑血管疾病,临床疗效确切;中医药辨治慢性咳嗽(如咳嗽变异型哮喘,感冒后咳嗽等)、哮喘、鼻炎等各类肺系疾病,疗效显著,深受患者赞誉; 中西医结合诊治外感发热性疾病及各种过敏性疾病,能迅速缓解症状,缩短病程,促使疾病尽快康复; 中医药辨治各种妇科疾病,如月经病、更年期综合征、妇科炎症等,疗效满意,得到患者认可。开展中医养生保健健康知识讲座。


