中南大学湘雅二医院整形美容外科(烧伤科)成立于1972年,由我国修复与重建外科领域著名的庞素芳教授创立并担任首届主任,是我国较早成立的整形美容烧伤专科之一。现科主任及学科带头人为王先成教授(主任医师,博士生导师),为湖南省高层次卫生人才“225”工程中“湖南省医学学科带头人培养对象”。副主任为钱利副教授及方柏荣副教授,科室医生团队12名,护理团队17名,其中教授职称2名,副教授职称4名,有博士学位8人,其中博士生导师1名,硕士生导师2名。科室目前分设两个病区分别为整形美容外科(烧伤科)一病区和整形美容外科(烧伤科)二病区,总病床 36 张,设有独立的专科手术室。科室现已引进国内外相关先进的医疗美容设备:3D达芬奇整形精灵进行面部鼻整形术前模拟设计,进口手术显微镜、内窥镜系统、韩国PRP血清技术、Q开光Nd:YAG激光治疗机、KL型二氧化碳激光治疗机等设备。2019年成立中南大学鼻整形研究中心,主任为王先成教授。2014年科室被评为中国医师协会整形美容分会“优秀科室”。2017年和2018年连续两年度进入复旦大学医院管理研究所中国医院整形外科排行榜提名。科室拥有一批德技并重的整形美容外科医师,每年均在国内外重要会议主持并大会发言,传承着大湘雅特有的严谨、诚信、务实的美学文化氛围和精神。
整形美容烧伤外科治疗范围几乎涵盖整形外科所有领域:包括鼻整形、眼部整形、乳房整形、器官再造、创面修复及四肢显微外科、瘢痕治疗、体表肿瘤、唇腭裂治疗、颅颌面外科、泌尿生殖系统畸形治疗等。我科临床技术突出,注重传统技术与新技术的有机结合。能开展三级医院烧伤整形美容外科所有的常规项目,整体临床诊疗实力处于国内先进水平, 尤其在鼻整形、穿支皮瓣器官再造及创面修复,体表肿瘤等方面治疗水平达到国内领先水平。
科室承担国家级、省级、卫生厅等10多个科研课题,其中国自然科学基金三项,荣获部省级成果奖10多项,先后在国内外发表论文近130余篇,发表SCI论文30余篇。先后主编《整形美容烧伤常见问题及处理》,《穿支皮瓣的基础研究及临床应用》,副主编《显微外科实例图谱穿支皮瓣》;参与编写中华医学会整形外科分会的《乳腺癌切除后乳房再造临床技术指南》与《乳房假体隆乳临床技术指南》;并主译《master advanced rhinoplasty》与《breast augmentation video atlas》等书籍。
我科也不断加强国际及地区间交流,先后派遣多名医师于美国、韩国、日本等国家进修。先后聘请美国威斯康辛大学整形外科主任Michael Bentz教授、香港中文大学威尔士亲王医院整形外科主任Andrew Burd教授为客座教授,每年定期进行学术交流。
The Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery (Burn) Department, the Sencond Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, was founded in 1972 by professor Pang Sufang who was famous in the field of reparative and reconstructive surgery in China. The director of the department now is Professor and leaders in their chosen fields of learning Wang Xiancheng(Chief Surgeon, doctoral supervisor), In 2019, Professor Wang Xiancheng was selected as "Hunan medical discipline leader training candidate" in the "225" project of Hunan province"s high-level health talents. The deputy directors are Associate Professor Qian Li and Associate Professor Fang Bairong. There are 11 surgeons, 17 nurses in the burn and plastic surgery department which including 1 professor, 1 post retirement rehired professor, 4 associate professors, 3 attending surgeons, 2 residents, 17 register nurses and 1 technician. 7 surgeons have doctor"s degree. At present, the Department has two sub specialties of plastic and cosmetic surgery and burn reconstruction, with two wards, 36 beds in total, and an independent specialized operating room. We have imported relevant domestic advanced medical beauty equipment: 3D Da Vinci to make pre-operation simulation for rhinoplasty, also imported other equipment such as microscope, endoscope surgery system, Korean PrP serum technology and other equipment. In 2019, the rhinoplasty research center of Central South University was established with Professor Wang Xiancheng as its director. In 2014, the Department was rated as "excellent Department" of plastic surgery branch of Chinese Medical Association. In 2017 and 2018, he was nominated by Fudan University Hospital Management Institute in China"s Hospital orthopedic ranking list for two consecutive years. The Department has a group of plastic and aesthetic surgeons who attach equal importance to both morality and technology. They preside over and speak at important conferences at home and abroad every year, inheriting the unique rigorous, honest and pragmatic aesthetic cultural atmosphere and spirit of Da Xiangya.
The treatment of burn, plastic and aesthetic surgery covers almost all fields of plastic surgery: including rhinoplasty, eye plastic, breast plastic, organ reconstruction, wound repair and limb microsurgery, scar treatment, superficial tumor, cleft lip and palate treatment, cranio-maxillofacial surgery, urogenital system malformation treatment, etc. Our department has outstanding clinical technology and pays attention to the combination of traditional technology and new technology. We can carry out all the routine clinical examination and treatment items on top hospital level for plastic surgery. The overall clinical diagnosis and treatment strength is at the advanced level in China, especially in rhinoplasty, perforator flap organ reconstruction, wound repair, body surface tumor and other aspects of the treatment level reached the leading level in China.
The department has undertaken 10 national, provincial and health department scientific research projects, containing 3 NSFC grants, published more than 130 papers, more than 30 SCI papers. our department chiefly edited the book Basic research and clinical application of perforator flap, deputy chiefly editor the book Microsurgical case atlas of perforator flap. participated in Clinical technical guidelines for breast reconstruction after breast cancer resection by the Chinese Society of Plastic Surgery. chiefly translated Master advanced rhinoplasty and Breast augmentation video atlas.
Our department has been continuously strengthening international and regional communications and has sent a number of doctors to further study in the United States, South Korea, Japan and other countries. Professor Michael Bentz, director of plastic surgery, University of Wisconsin, US, and Professor Andrew Burd, director of plastic surgery, prince of wales hospital, Chinese university of Hong Kong, are invited as visiting professors for regular academic communications every year.
2006年毕业于中国协和医科大学,获医学博士学位,师从著名的整形外科专家协和医院整形外科主任乔群教授。目前担任中南大学湘雅二医院整形美容外科主任,曾在达拉斯西南医学中心、威斯康辛大学、纽约大学,匹兹堡大学,哥伦比亚大学访问学者,现为国际整形美容外科联盟(IPRAS)会员,欧洲鼻整形学会委员,韩国PINOKIO鼻整形联盟国际委员,亚太抗衰老协会国际委员会委员中国整形美容协会理事,湖南省高层次卫生人才“225”工程整形美容外科学科带头人。PRS及TPRAS特邀审稿人,海峡两岸医药卫生交流协会整形美容专业委员会及中国医疗保健国际交流促进会整形美容外科学分会常务委员, 中华整形外科学会乳房及鼻整形美容专业委员会委员,中华整形外科学会疤痕及创面修复常务委员,中国医师协会整形美容分会及中国整形美容协会鼻整形专业委员会常务委员,中国医师协会整形美容分会乳房亚专业委员,湖南康复学会整形美容分会主任委员,湖南省医疗整形美容协会副会长,湖南省医师协会美容与整形医师分会副会长,湖南省医疗整形美容协会鼻整形专业组主任委员,湖南省医学会第八届整形美容专业委员会副主任委员。先后发表论文近50余篇,发表SCI论文10篇余。主编《整形美容烧伤常见问题及处理》一书,副主编《穿支皮瓣的应用图谱》。分别获得首届中国整形美容协会科学技术成果奖、湖南省科学技术进步奖三等奖、第十一届湖南医学科技奖三等奖及多项中南大学医疗新技术成果奖,主持国家自然科学基金、湖南省科技厅重大课题及厅级课题8项。