



  血管、甲状腺外科是在原普通外科的基础上建立于1972年, 为国内较早设立此专科的医院之一。科室现有专科医师(技师)17人。其中教授4人(博士导师3人),副教授、副主任医师7人,副主任技师1人,讲师、主治医师3人,住院医师1人,技师1人。专科护士14人。专科学术水平达到国内先进水平,为全国重点学科。本学科是中华医学会外科学会内分泌乳腺外科学组副组长,中华医学会外科学会血管外科学组委员,中华医学会广东外科学会血管外科学组组长和中国抗癌协会广东乳腺癌专业委员会副主任委员的所在单位。



  1.胸腹主动脉瘤、颈动脉体瘤、 动脉硬化闭塞症(包括腹主动脉、髂动脉、颈动脉、四肢动脉)、急性动脉栓塞,大动脉炎,深静脉瓣膜功能不全,下肢静脉曲张,深静脉血栓形成,布-加氏综合症 ,血管损伤,先天性动静脉瘘, 血栓闭塞性脉管炎等。








  Introduce of the department of vacular and thyroid surgery

  The department of vacular and thyroid surgery was set up on the basis of general surgery in 1972 in our hospital, which is one of the earliest hospitals to establishing this specialized unit in the whole country .There are recently four professors(three of which are PhD supervisor),seven associate professors, one associate chief technician, three lecturers and senior physicians, one resident, one technician and fourteen specialized nurses. Our specialized academic level has been advanced in the country, and our department is the emphasized subject of the nation. The vice director of endocrinomammary surgery group, the commissioner of the vascular surgery group under China Medical Association, the vice director of breast cancer committee in Guangdong under China Anti-Tumor Association and the chief director of Guangdong vascular surgery group are also in our unit.


  Every year we treat more than 1200 hospitalized patients and accomplish over 1000 cases of surgeries. The diseases we mainly treat include:

  1.Vascular diseases including aneurysm of thoracic and abdominal aorta,tumor of carotid body, atherosclerotic occlusion(including abdominal aorta, iliac artery, carotid and limb arteries), acute occlusion of artery, aorto-arteritis, primary deep vein insufficiency, varix of lower limb,thrombsis of deep vein, Budd-Chiara Syndrome, congenital arteriovenous malformation, thromboangiitis obliterans, injury of periperal and abdominal vessel, etc.

  2. Thyroid and parathyroid diseases.

  3. Breast diseases including breast carcer.


  It is also the first one in our country to carry out the external valvuloplasty of deep venous valve insufficiency in treating primary deep vein insufficiency and endoscopic perforator surgery(SEPS) in venous ulcer of lower limbs. By far 200 cases have been applied, the curative effects are good. The quantity and effect of cases are advanced in the country .We have set up a comprehensive surgical therapeutic system of lower limb"s refluxing diseases, which is combined with the operation of varicose superficial veins ,valvuloplasty and SEPS in lower limb. The therapeutic level is preceding in the country .The interventional stent therapy of aorta dissecting aneurysm is also advanced. Particular we have successfully cure a case with dissecting aneurysm of total aorta by placing a membranous stent in the cavity of his ascending aorta, which has been formally reported only once in the world according to bibliographic retrieval. In addition, we have accumulated abundant experience on the surgical and comprehensive therapy of thyroid carcinoma, breast carcer and vascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis obliterans,internal carotid artery body tumer and abdominal aneurysm.The basic and clinic study of second hypoparathyroid therapy by transplantation is preceding in our country, and its therapeutic level is also advanced in the world. During the last five years, we have published about 80 articles on native core journals and participated in the edition of ten specialized books. Now we are editing in chief with the specialized book-Thyroid Surgery, whose chief editors are Professor Chen Guorui and Wang Shengming.It will be published by The People"s Medical Publishing House in 2002.We also should the task of four subjects imbursed by National Science Fund and eight subjects imbursed by Medical Department and Guangdong Province Medical Office. The Series study of clinical dignosis and treamnent of thyroid cancer was obtained the third award of Scientific and Technological Reward for Medicine and Drug Health from Guangdong Province in 2000 and the third award of Scientific and Technological Reward for Guangdong

  正高人员::李晓曦、 吕伟明 、李松奇 、马浙夫、林颖

