郭明炎医生,中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院,麻醉科,副主任医师。医学博士,副主任医师,瑞典Linkoping大学心脏中心访问学者,国家公派美国弗吉尼亚大学访问学者,2008年中山医毕业后留校,从事临床麻醉疼痛诊疗13年余,擅长各种急慢性疼痛及顽固性失眠的诊治。社会任职广东省医学会疼痛学分会青年委员广东省口腔医学会镇痛镇静分会委员广东省药学会麻醉专家委员会委员广东省抗癌协会肿瘤麻醉及镇痛治疗专业委员会委员获奖荣誉2013年因心肺复苏成功抢救路人获评“广州好人”2021年获评第四届“羊城青年好医生”科研成果1. Guo, Mingyan; Peng, Jun; Huang, Xiaoyan; Xiao, Lingjun; Huang, Fenyan; Zuo, Zhiyi*; Gut Microbiome Features of Chinese Patients Newly Diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease or Mild Cognitive Impairment. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2021;80(1):299-310.2. Guo, Mingyan#; Zhu, Xiaoqiu#; Xu, Hui; Li, Jin; Yang, Shangze; Zuo, Zhiyi; Lin, Daowei*; Ulinastatin attenuates isoflurane-induced cognitive dysfunction in aged rats by inhibiting neuroinflammation and β-amyloid peptide expression in the brain. Neurological Research, 2019, 41(10): 923-929.3. Guo, Mingyan#; Cao, Dexiong#; Zhu, Siyu; Fu, Ganglan; Wu, Qiang; Liang, Jianjun*; Cao, Minghui*; Chronic exposure to morphine decreases the expression of EAAT3 via opioid receptors in hippocampal neurons. Brain Research, 2015, 1628(Pt A): 40-49.4. Lin, Daowei#; Han, Zhixiao# ··· Wang, Fei*; Guo, Mingyan*. Combination of interscalene brachial plexus block with general anesthesia attenuates stress and inflammatory response in arthroscopic shoulder surgery. Bio Integration, 2021 Jul, https://doi.org/10.15212/bioi-2021-0013 5. Li, Junhua#; Guo, Mingyan#; Liu, Yafang; Wu, Guiyun; Miao, Liping; Zhang, Jing; Zuo, Zhiyi*; Li, Yujuan*; Both GSK-3beta/CRMP2 and CDK5/CRMP2 pathways participate in the protection of dexmedetomidine against propofol-induced learning and memory impairment in neonatal rats. Toxicological Sciences, 2019, 171(1): 193-210.6. Nie, Yan#; Huang, Hongyan#; Guo, Mingyan#; Chen, Jiewen; Wu, Wei; Li, Wende; Xu, Xiaoding; Lin, Xiaorong; Fu, Wenkui; Yao, Yandan; Zheng, Fang; Luo, Man Li; Saw, Phei Er; Yao, Herui; Song, Erwei; Hu, Hai*; Breast Phyllodes Tumors Recruit and Repolarize Tumor-Associated Macrophages via Secreting CCL5 to Promote Malignant Progression, Which Can Be Inhibited by CCR5 Inhibition Therapy. Clinical Cancer Research, 2019, 25(13): 3873-3886.7. Zhu, Xiaoqiu#; Yao, Yiyi#; Guo, Mingyan#; Li, Jin; Yang, Pengfeng; Xu, Hui*; Lin, Daowei*; Sevoflurane increases intracellular calcium to induce mitochondrial injury and neuroapoptosis. Toxicology Letters, 2021, 336: 11-20.8. Lin, Daowei#; Zhu, Xiaoqiu#; Li, Jin; Yao, Yiyi; Guo, Mingyan*; Xu, Hui*; Ulinastatin alleviates mitochondrial damage and cell apoptosis induced by isoflurane in human neuroglioma H4 cells. Human & Experimental Toxicology, 2020, 39(10): 1417-1425.9. Cheng, Shi#; Guo, Mingyan#; Liu, Zhongqi; Fu, Yanni; Wu, Haixuan; Wang, Chengli; Cao, Minghui*; Morphine Promotes the Angiogenesis of Postoperative Recurrent Tumors and Metastasis of Dormant Breast Cancer Cells. Pharmacology, 2019, 104(5-6): 276-286.