山东第一医科大学第二附属医院(山东第一医科大学第二临床学院)坐落在雄伟壮丽的泰山脚下,是一所专业设置齐全、技术力量雄厚、医疗设备先进、服务质量优良,集医疗、教学、科研、急诊急救、预防保健和康复于一体的三级甲等综合性医院。医院于1974年在新泰市楼德镇创建,始称山东医学院楼德分院附属医院。1981年,更名为泰山医学院附属医院。1987年搬迁至泰安。2019年2月,更名为山东第一医科大学第二附属医院(第二临床学院)。建院以来,医院秉承“质量第一、病人至上”的宗旨,恪守“厚德精诚、博学创新”之院训,始终扎根齐鲁、服务人民,为区域经济社会建设、医疗卫生事业发展作出了重要贡献。目前,医院建筑面积20万平方米,编制床位2000张,在职职工2500余人,其中副高级以上职称人员593人,双聘泰山学者特聘专家6人,泰山学者青年专家3人,齐鲁卫生与健康领军人才1人,博士后合作导师35人,硕博士研究生导师130余人,137位专家担任国家级、省级学会副主任以上委员。设有49个临床科室、13个医技科室,拥有国家级胸痛中心、卒中中心、癌症规范化诊疗病房。神经内科学、感染性疾病学、影像医学与核医学、老年病科、癫痫诊疗中心为山东省医药卫生重点学科;老年医学、妇产科手术学、急诊医学是山东省医药卫生重点学科建设单位;急诊医学科、神经内科、肿瘤科、骨科、内分泌科、感染性疾病科、临床护理、医学影像科、心血管内科、妇科为山东省临床重点专科;脑卒中介入诊疗专科、急诊中毒诊治专科为山东省临床精品特色专科;中医科、乳腺外科为山东省中医药临床重点专科;中药多靶点干预与疾病预防实验室为山东省中医药重点实验室;重大疾病与氢医学转化应用重点实验室为山东省高校重点实验室;氢分子生物医学研究实验室、临床中毒研究实验室、脑损伤与功能康复重点实验室为山东省医药卫生重点实验室;神经内科、胸外科、急诊医学科、麻醉科、消化内科、医学影像科、骨科运动医学科是泰安市医学重点学科,烧伤科为泰安市医学特色专科;心血管病学、呼吸病学、内分泌学、风湿病与自体免疫学、皮肤病与性病学、普外科学、神经外科学、胸外科学、骨外科学、乳腺外科学、眼科学、耳鼻咽喉科学、肿瘤学、康复医学与理疗学、口腔医学、急诊医学、病理学、消化病学、肾脏病学、儿科外科学、新生儿科学、放射肿瘤学、烧伤整形外科学、妇科学、临床检验诊断学、运动医学、麻醉学、临床药学、变态反应学、内科护理学、外科护理学、妇产科护理学为泰安市卫生健康重点学科;产科、小儿内科、呼吸内科、消化内科、血液内科、肾内科、皮肤科、康复医学科、疼痛科、麻醉科、重症医学科、眼科、耳鼻咽喉科、口腔科、普外科、泌尿外科、神经外科、胸外科、小儿外科、临床检验、病理科为泰安市临床重点专科;产科、妇科、新生儿科、乳腺病科为泰安市孕产期/更年期/新生儿保健/中医药特色专科。拥有内科学、外科学、妇产科学、儿科学、老年医学、急诊医学等32个硕博士学位授权点。医院注重技术创新,积极开展高新技术,在腹腔镜、宫腔镜、关节镜、消化内镜、神经内镜、椎间孔镜等微创诊疗技术,卒中、胸痛、创伤、孕产妇、新生儿救治,肿瘤综合治疗,脊柱及关节外科,肝胆外科,心脏介入治疗,间质性肺疾病诊治,内分泌疾病治疗,中西医结合治疗小儿疾病,重症监护治疗及重症复合创伤救治,急性中毒救治,大面积烧伤治疗,内眼疾病治疗等方面已形成优势,为众多患者解除了病痛。医院诊疗设备先进,拥有联影全真高端数字化uMI Vista PET/CT、超高端3.0T磁共振uMR790、天河640超高端CT、10兆可视化直线加速器、飞利浦FD20平板DSA、GE3.0T核磁共振、SPECT/CT、神经外科手术导航定位系统、脑立体定向系统等万元以上先进医疗设备1700余台套,设有中心实验室、分子病理实验室、分子生物学(PCR)实验室、大学科创中心实验平台等,为打造高水平的医疗服务铸就了保障。作为山东第一医科大学第二附属医院(第二临床学院),医院注重医教相长,承担着临床医学、影像医学、护理学等专业的理论授课、实验教学、见习及部分实习带教任务,为社会输送了大批优秀人才。在全国高等医学院校大学生临床技能竞赛中曾获全国一等奖和华东区一等奖,护理专业赛道全国银奖和华东区特等奖佳绩。作为国家首批住院医师规范化培训基地,2017、2018两年度,医院住培学员考试通过率分别位列全省第八位和第二位。医院不断加大科研经费投入,“八五”以来,承担上级计划课题820余项,其中承担国家自然科学基金26项,省部级基金及计划69项,厅局级计划课题725项,完成科技成果鉴定或评价320余项,国际领先13项,国际先进80项,210余项成果获得上级科技奖励。医院大力推进人才强院战略,全面加强人才培养与引育工作。选派大批优秀医护骨干到美国、英国、法国、以色列、意大利、新加坡等国家和国内顶尖医学中心研修学习,深化学术交流、合作共建,推动医疗、教学、科研整体水平和综合实力的持续提升。多年来,医院坚守“凡生命所需,必竭尽全力”的信念,坚持公益办院,不断深化改革,细化管理,狠抓内涵建设,努力为人民群众提供优质、高效、方便、价廉的医疗服务,开创了一条“质量立院、人才强院、科教兴院、精管治院、文化荣院”的发展之路,受到社会广泛赞誉。先后荣获全国百家优秀爱婴医院、全国改善医疗服务先进典型医院、全国平安医院建设工作表现突出集体、全省抗击新冠肺炎先进集体、山东省文明单位及新时代泰山“挑山工”特别奖等荣誉称号500余项。谋划决定出路,战略决定未来。而今的山一大二附院人,正沿着“十四五”规划确定的奋斗目标,对标一流,提质增效,在“做行业典范 铸一流名院”和“建设国内知名、省内一流临床研究型医院和区域医学中心、幸福美誉附院”的道路上乘风破浪,扬帆远航!2025年1月The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shandong First Medical University (the Second Clinical School of Shandong First Medical University), located at the foot of the majestic Mount Tai, is a First Class Tertrary Level comprehensive hospital with a complete set of specialties, strong technical force, advanced medical equipments and excellent quality of service, integrating medical treatment, teaching, scientific research, emergency and first-aid, preventive health care and rehabilitation.The Hospital had its beginnings in 1974, when it was known as Affiliated Hospital of Shandong Medical College Loude Branch, located in Loude Town, Xintai County. It was renamed as Affiliated Hospital of Taishan Medical University in 1981 and moved to Tai’an City in 1987, and renamed as The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shandong First Medical University on February 2019. Since its founding, it has followed the principle of “Quality First, Patient Oriented” and the motto of “Being Virtuous and Sincere, Erudite and Innovative”, the Hospital has taken root in the earth of Shandong Province and has served the people all along. It has contributed significantly to the regional economic social construction and medical health services.Up till now, the Hospital has a floor area of 200,000 square meters, 2500 beds opened and over 2500 staff members, The Hospital is equipped with 49 clinical departments, 13 medical technical departments, and state-level chest pain center, stroke center and standardized cancer diagnosis and treatment ward.Neurology, Infectious Diseases, Imaging Medicine and Nuclear Medicine, Geriatrics, Epilepsy Diagnosis and Treatment Center are the key disciplines of medicine and health in Shandong Province. Department of Emergency Medicine, Department of Neurology, Department of Oncology, Department of Orthopaedics, Department of Endocrinology, Department of Infectious Diseases, Clinical nursing, Department of Medical Imaging, Department of cardiovascular medicine and Department of Gynecology are key clinical specialties in Shandong Province. The Department of Emergency Poisoning Diagnosis and Treatment specialty and Stroke Interventional Diagnosis and Treatment specialty are special clinical specialties in Shandong Province. TCM and Department of Breast Surgery are the key clinical specialties of TCM in Shandong Province. The Laboratory of TCM Multi-Target Intervention and Disease Prevention is the Key Laboratory of TCM in Shandong Province. The Key Laboratory of Critical Diseases and Hydrogen Medical Transformation Application is the key laboratory of universities in Shandong Province; Hydrogen Molecular Biomedical Research Laboratory and Clinical Poisoning Research Laboratory are key laboratories of Medicine and Health of Shandong Province. The Department of Neurology, Thoracic Surgery, Emergency Medicine, Anesthesiology, Gastroenterology, Medical Imaging, Orthopedics and Sports Medicine are the key medical disciplines of Tai "an City, and the Department of Burn is the special medical specialty of Tai "an City. Department of Neurosurgery, Obstetrics, Orthopaedics, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Intensive Care Medicine, Gynecology, Pediatric Medicine, Ophthalmology, Pathology, Hematology, Clinical Laboratory, Cardiovascular Medicine, Respiratory Medicine, Dermatology, Stomatology and anesthesiology are key clinical specialties in Tai "an City. Obstetrics, Gynecology and Neonatology are the specialties of pregnancy, perimenopausal and newborn health care in Tai "an City. Sixteen disciplines including Cardiology, Respiratory Medicine, Endocrinology, Rheumatology and Auto-immunity, Dermatology and Venereology, General Surgery, Neurosurgery, Thoracic Surgery, Osteology, Breast Surgery, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Oncology, Rehabilitation Medicine and Physiotherapy, Stomatology, and Emergency Medicine are the key health disciplines of Tai "an City. It has 25 Master"s Degree Programs in Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Emergency Medicine, etc.The Hospital is possessed of top diagnostic equipments including Elekta Infinity four-dimensional image-guided linear accelerator, GE 3.0T MRI, SPECT/CT , 512-slice spiral CT, uCT 960+, Philips FD20 DSA, Molecular Pathology Laboratory and Molecular Biology (PCR) Laboratory, which provide technological support for high-level medical services. It forms advantages in laparoscopic operations, hysteroscopy, arthroscopy, digestive endoscopy, neuroendoscopy, foraminoscopy and other minimally invasive technology, stroke, chest pain, trauma, maternal, newborn treatment, as well as tumor comprehensive treatment, spine and joint surgery, hepatobiliary surgery, cardiac interventional therapy, interstitial lung disease diagnosis and treatment, endocrine disease treatment, severe combined trauma treatment, acute poisoning treatment, thrombolysis which relieved the pain of the patients.As Clinical College of Shandong First Medical University, the Hospital lays emphasis on teaching along with medical service. It undertakes theoretical lecturing, experiment teaching, probation and part of internship on disciplines including clinical medicine, imaging medicine and nursing etc. It has transported amounts of talents to the society. The Hospital won the First Prize of Eastern China, and First Prize of National Clinical Skills Competition of Medical Universities, the Second Prize of the National Nursing Professional Track Competition, and Special Prize in East China Competition Area. To promote scientific research and innovation, in recent years, it has undertaken more than 400 projects at the higher level, including 18 projects of the National Nature Fund, more than 100 projects of provincial and ministerial funds and plans, more than 300 projects of department and bureau level plans, and more than 100 science and technology awards at the provincial and bureau level.The hospital vigorously promotes the strategy of strengthening the hospital with talents and comprehensively strengthens the introduction and cultivation of talents. The hospital has established friendly cooperative relations with more than 20 countries and regions including the United States, the U.K, France, Israel, Italy, Singapore, etc., and regularly sends scholars to visit and exchange with each other. The hospital has set up a special fund for talents and sent a large number of excellent medical and nursing backbones to get training from the renowned hospitals at home and abroad, which has promoted the improvement of the overall level and comprehensive strength of medical treatment, teaching and scientific research.Over the years, the hospital has adhered to the belief that "When life is in need, we will do the best indeed", insisted on running a public welfare hospital, constantly deepened reform, refined management, paid close attention to connotation construction, and strived to provide high-quality, efficient, convenient and inexpensive medical services to the people. It develops hospital by Quality, talents , science and education, fine management, and culture. It is widely praised by the society. It has won more than 500 honorary titles such as the National Advanced Typical Hospital for improving medical services, the National Safety Hospital Construction outstanding collective, the National 100 Excellent Baby-friendly hospitals, the Provincial Advanced collective for fighting the novel corona virus pneumonia, the Civilized Unit of Shandong Province, and the Special Award of “Taishan Heavers” in the new era.Planning determines the way out, strategy determines the future. We will reach the goal set in“14th Five-Year Plan”, benchmark first-class, improve quality and efficiency in order to build a domestic well-known, first-class clinical research hospital in the province.