程薇薇,女,副主任医师。医学研究生(中国中医科学院93级)。从事医学临床工作33年余。擅长老年脑血管性痴呆,老年性常见病、多发病及相关疾病,同时心理治疗。神经性失语症康复指导治疗。*现中国中医科学院西苑医院老年科及科学院老年医学研究所。国家中医药管理局全国老年病医疗中心任职副主任医师。*世界中医药学会联合会老年医学专业委员会理事。*中国中医科学院技术专业委员会委员。*中国中西医结合学会养生学与康复医学专业委员会委员。*中国老年学学会衰老与抗衰老科学委员会理事。*北京神经沙龙会员及国际华人脑血管联盟会员。*中国科学技术协会,中国中西医结合学会内科老年病会员。*北京市科学技术协会,自然科学专门学会神经病学研究所会员。*伦敦中医学院CMIR会员等。*70年代,在中国人民解放军四川省军区后勤部举办的医学专业学习班学习,在四川医学院基础理论研究实习后,选送到四川省成都市第三人民医院综合内科,外科及急诊室等进修一年。*80年代,在北京中医学院中医专业系统学习,毕业实习分别在中国中医研究院广安门医院肾病科、内分泌科实习。在北京中医医院针灸科、妇产科实习。在北京友谊医院中医科(疑难杂病)实习。*1993年考入中国中医研究院研究生。从师周文泉教授研究中医内科老年病。首次使用中医药治疗老年脑血管性痴呆并取得疗效。专业水平在周文泉导师及各位教授的指导下不断提高。特别是对老年的常见病、多发病有独到见解并取得临床疗效。*1998-1999年,在中国协和医科大学北京协和医院进修学习,得到神经内科黄一宁教授指导、TCD室(经颅多普勒超声检测疾病诊断及鉴别诊断、脑电图检测疾病,得到了吴立文教授的指导,在诊断及鉴别诊断达到国际水准)、DSA介入室、血管B超、癫痫中心等脑血管相关科室进修学习壹年。并掌握了6种老年相关疾病的检测仪器。*2002年年考入中国中医研究院,在职临床医学博士专业学位学习。在总结科研、教学和临床实践基础上,再向资深前辈探讨工作方法和思路。考试通过,完成学分和规定的全部课程。*2004-2006年中国中医学科学院公派赴英国工作交流期间,圆满完成任务。按我西苑医院医师诊疗标准,辨证施治,书写病例(中英两文种),并流利与患者交流等。在工作质量综合素质能力等方面,均在中医同道得到认可和好评。患者来自意大利,日本,新加坡,英国、美国以及俄罗斯到我门诊使用中医药治疗,随诊自2006年至现在。我为院来自Middle University及其医学院带教留学生28名得到好评,期末,我病房床头出题考试,全部通过,得到认可。已完成清华—布鲁金斯公共政策研究中心全球课堂的学习证书。*特别是近19年的临床观察和研究,参加中国科技部、国家级、部局级课题临床观察和研究近30个课题项目。且掌握常见病及难治疾病的科研动向。*在核心期刊国际ISSN及国内外版发表综述、论文及主题文章均是第一作者的有拾篇以上。主要论文(第一作者文章)题 目:还聪丹胶囊治疗老年脑血管性痴呆(Treating Senile Vascular Dementia)的临床研究。题 目:还聪丹胶囊治疗老年脑血管性痴呆(Treating Senile Vascular Dementia)的临床研究。题 目:脑血管性痴呆失眠的辨证论治管理治疗策略。题 目:耗散结构理论——结合中医五行学说谈中医养生学。题 目:中医药对中风(Stroke)综合干预以及诊疗标准的思考与展望。题 目:低血压(Low Blood Pressure)的成人血流动力学的变化与脑血管疾病发生风险的相关性——32例低血压病例发生脑血管病。题 目:中西医结合治疗休克(Shock)研究概述。题 目:谈老年人失眠(Insomnia)与生存质量的相关性。题 目:脑血管性痴呆(Treating Senile Vascular)患者生存质量探讨。题 目:骨质疏松症(Osteoporosis)在英国中医中药的临床工作的治疗观察。题 目:脑血管性痴呆与脑卒中。题 目:(中医药对骨质疏松症)诊断和治疗.Wei-Wei Cheng, associate Professor from China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, China Chinese Medicine Administration Bureau and China Geriatrics Medical Treatment Center. Her research interest is gereology. She has been admiring your international reputation for gereology and she is eager to dig on in the same field under your honorable guidance.Ms Cheng worked at Outpatients’ Department of Sichuan Military Section of PLA as head of Emergency Department and a mathematics and rudimentary medical science teacher from 1975 to 1981. From 1975 to 1977, she was an intern at Sichuan Medical College. In 1978, she was chosen to pursue her on-the-job training in internal, surgical and emergency medicine at No.3 People’s Hospital of Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. From 1981 to 1983, she learned English at Zhongshan School. From 1983 to 1985, she went on her English studies at English department of Beijing Education Institute. From 1987 to 1991, she began to major in Chinese medicine at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. She began to work on her MA degree in 1993 at China Academy of Chinese Medicine and graduated in 1996 under the supervision of Wen-Quan Zhou, pharmacopoeia committee member of P. R. China, state new-drug evaluation committee member, chairman of Chinese drug-meals society, academic leader of China Chinese medicine ageing disease treatment center.In 1998, she had her on-the-job training in Western neural internal medicine at Beijing Union Hospital under the supervision of professor Yi-Ning Huang, authority expert of TCD and Doppler Blood Vessel Ultrasonar in China. In 1999, at epilepsy center, she studied the diagnosis of epilepsy framed in Western medicine and differential diagnosis and medication under the guidance of Professor Li-Wen Wu, director of epilepsy center. At the same time, she was studying brain blood vessel pathology, EEG examining chart and analysis, MRI and MRA under the guidance of Professor Yu-Pu Guo. In 2002 she started her PhD journey in Chinese medicine at China Chinese Medicine Academy.In 2007at Tsinghua University of study English graduated. In 2007 study Global Classroom of BROOKINGS-TSINGHUA CENTER FOR PUBLIC POLICY,certify of certificate.She had a dozen of publications in Chinese kernel medical journals and international medical journals, covering brain blood vessel treatment, ageing dementia, Subclavian Steal Syndrome, Treating Senile Vascular, Stroke, Low Blood Pressure, Shock, Insomnia, Osteoporosis and Depression.She is a council member of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, a member of International Arteriosclerosis Research Association, a member of China Senile Medicine Society and a member of some other Chinese medical societies in China.Content(frist worker )for paper:*The Prognosis Subclavian Steal Syndrome After different Interference Therapy. AsianSymposium on Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics, 1998:83-84。*Clinical Study on Effect of Huanchongdan Capsule Treating Senile Vascular Dementia*Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine Vol.18 No.2 February 1998 :81-84* Stroke* Low Blood Pressure* Insomnia* Chinese herbal Medicinal Treatment and diagnose for Osteoporosis