


  医学影像科是医院重点学科之一,是以心血管影像学为特色的综合影像科室,包括普通放射学,CT和MRI三部分。科室在编人员93人,医师41人,技师35人,护士12人,登记室5人,在读硕士研究生5人,博士研究生5人;现有主任医师及返聘主任医师4人,副主任医师13人,博士11人,硕士8人;拥有现代化高场MRI机3台,多排CT机4台。2013年完成CT检查7.1万余例,其中冠脉CTA 2.5万余例;MR检查2万例,普通平片近20万例。



  Department of radiology is one of the most important departments in Beijing Anzhen Hospital, including X-ray, CT and MRI. Total stuff number is 93, with 41 doctors, 35 technicians, 12 nurses, 5 registration stuff, 5 graduate students, 5 doctoral students, 4 chief physicians, 13 associate chief physicians, 11 with doctor degree, and 8 with master degree. There are 3 modern MRI scanners and 4 CT scanners in our department. Seventy-one thousand CT scans were accomplished in 2013, including 25 thousand coronary CTA. Beijing Anzhen Hospital is the 6th affiliated hospital of Capital Medical University. Department of radiology is a training center for Beijing radiological residents. There are 2 doctor degree tutors and 3 master degree tutors in our department. More than 30 postgraduate students have graduated from our department. Scientific research field includes coronary artery disease, great vessels, valve disease, congenital heart disease, atherosclerosis plaque, and pulmonary artery imaging. More than 30 SCI publications have been achieved in recent years.
