

  科室特色:心血管疾病实验室诊断 Laboratory Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Disease




  The clinical laboratory of Beijing Anzhen Hospital, the affiliated hospital of Capital Medical University, is an integrated medical laboratory which can undertake clinical inspection work as well as related teaching and research work. The laboratory was founded at the year 1984. Now the laboratory covers 1612 square metres in area and the test field is 1284 square meters. The laboratory is composed of 66 staffs, among which there are 5 persons of senior professional post, 33 persons of intermediate professional post. 7 persons have obtained the college teachers pre-job training certificate. There are 4 doctors, 6 masters, and 21 undergraduates among the personnel. Our department sets 5 professional groups, i.e. clinical blood and body fluid laboratory, clinical chemical laboratory, clinical microbiology laboratory, clinical immunology laboratory, and cell and molecular genetics laboratory. About 300 items are developed and 88 major instruments and equipments are installed in our department. During 2013, we fulfilled 25,153,222 routine detections in total. Since founded before thirty years, the department has been maintaining the concept that medicine, teaching and research combine together, so new technologies are being introduced into our department. In addition, the department building follows the idea "department with special, staff with skill", and emphasizes the creation of our own features. Our total laboratory automation system is the most advanced at home. The system is managed by overall networking, therefore we have accumulated large experience in laboratory automation and information management. As our motive and goal, the clinical laboratory insists on improving test quality all the time, and actively attends outside-laboratory proficiency testing activities such as inter-laboratory quality assessment and inter-laboratory comparison. Talents training and human resource management are highlighted in our department. The staff is encouraged to develop in profession by carrying out all kinds of continuation education. In 2013, the clinical laboratory obtained medical laboratory accreditation certificate issued by National Accreditation Committee, proving the inspection quality and test ability of the clinical laboratory reached international accreditation standards.

  The clinical laboratory is also experimental diagnostics teaching and research section and clinical laboratory diagnostics teaching and research section of the sixth clinical medical college of Capital Medical University (Beijing Anzhen Hospital). So far 8 persons assumed teaching assistants’ work off-the-job or partly off-the-job. The clinical laboratory annually undertakes the teaching work of two courses (experimental diagnostics and medicine laboratory)for students from medicine department, prevention department, Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics department, international college, nursing department, and Beijing nursing school. Besides, the clinical laboratory receive senior student for their specialized practice and receive clinical laboratory personnel from community hospital of Chaoyang district for short-term advanced study. The clinical laboratory also undertakes backbone cabal training and continuing medical education of Beijing community inspection. The clinical laboratory possessed qualifications as Beijing city clinical laboratory technician training base in December 2010. Since then we receive 2-3 persons from our or other hospital for standardization training each year.

  The clinical laboratory is a team with the features "unity, progress, harmony". It is developing from strength to strength through all members devotion assiduously.



  Our hospital is the sixth clinical hospital of Capital Medical University, Clinical Laboratory as an experimental laboratory of diagnostics and clinical teaching and Department of Clinical Laboratory Science, is responsible for teaching of laboratory diagnostics and medical testing for Capital Medical University medical department, the Department of Prevention, Department of Clinical Laboratory Science, International College students, the special care students, students from Beijing nursing school, and also graduates internship tasks from Beijing and other provinces ; and take the job training and short-term professional training of community work of Chaoyang District, Beijing Community Clinical Laboratory backbone training and continuing medical education. We obtained qualified clinical laboratory technician training base in Beijing on December 2010, and has annual intake of standardized trainees of 2-3 from both inside and outside the hospital.

  Our staff published 50 papers in recent 5 years, and 30 first author papers to the core journals. In the past five years, the department has undertaken a number of research projects, including the fund of Capital Science Development, Hospital director Technology Development Fund, basic research and clinical cooperation projects of Capital Medical University; and has cooperation of a number of subjects with clinical departments.




  In 2012 we won the title of excellent hospital department.

  In 2012 we won the outstanding units of Beijing AIDS screening laboratory quality control.

  In 2013 we won the approval certificate of Chinese conformity assessment national accrediting commission.




  Work Phone: 010-64456619

  Work E-Mail: anzhenjianyanke@sina.cn

  Microblog: http://weibo.com/3019101464
